HMC is a kitemark of global quality, innovation and excellence in education. HMC schools are world-leading independent schools located in the British Isles and across the globe.
Standards in HMC schools are exceptionally high and parents can be assured that they are choosing the very best education for their child. Published examination results and Independent School Inspectorate (ISI) reports confirm the quality of education on offer.
HMC schools are individual and distinctive offering parents a variety of options when choosing the right education for their child. But, at the heart of every HMC school, is a commitment to the benefits of a holistic educational experience: academic excellence together with a strong emphasis on pastoral care and exceptional co-curricular opportunities.

Why HMC?
Academic Performance in HMC Schools
Year after year, HMC schools achieve very strong results, exceeding national averages, especially in the traditional, ‘hard’ subjects such as science and modern languages.
Co-Curricular Opportunities
HMC independent schools provide unrivalled co-curricular opportunities enabling children to develop a wide range of talents, skills and abilities.
Pastoral Care
Pastoral support in HMC schools is paramount in order to create environments in which pupils are happy, secure, confident and valued.
Tailored Education
Teachers in HMC schools have great flexibility over teaching styles and curriculum enabling them to devise the best curriculum to suit their students’ needs.
Preparation for Higher Education
HMC schools prepare young people for success at the best universities. Over 60% of pupils from HMC schools attend a Top 25 UK university.
Financial Support
There is a substantial amount of financial assistance in HMC schools, more than a third of pupils in HMC schools across the UK receive help with their fees.
Outstanding Facilities
Financial independence means our schools often have outstanding facilities from cutting edge IT equipment, to state-of-the-art sports, music and arts facilities.
International Links/Global Outlook
HMC schools prepare students for future success in a world where understanding cultural differences is crucial.
Alumni Relations
HMC schools place great emphasis on maintaining links with former pupils.
ISI Inspections
All HMC schools are inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) to ensure the quality and effectiveness of the education, the welfare of pupils and that statutory requirements are met.